Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Absolutely rubbish day

Today has been the day from hell. My website just seems to go from one problem to another. I used to have a nice cheap pay monthly site. It didn't look too good but it was functional. I listed quite well in Google, I got quite a few visitors and even made several sales. But being greedy I wanted more. So I went to a bigish company and asked them to develop me a new all beautiful site. Which they did using zen cart. This system seems to be the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen it just seems to be one problem after another. User friendly it is not. For everything I thought I should be able to do myself I was told that will be additional development. I am now seeking a refund or an amazing fix to sort it all out. As I now don't have any google listings, many visitors and even fewer sales. I am relying on my sales from craft fairs which are always quite good but I wanted a working website too even if only as a showroom.

Anyway rant over.

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